Insights: Management

The mission of the International Esperanza Project (IEP) is to inspire hope in people in developing countries through healthcare and community development projects. They have selected CommandHound to provide the task management and accountability support they need to maximize their resources.

Holding people accountable in the workplace requires a full closed feedback loop to be really effective. If we are able to track actual results as people complete their assigned tasks, do you think they will be more inclined to make sure things get done?

Why do some employees seem always to get things done on time and as expected, while others struggle?  Is it in their DNA? Is it an organizational culture that condones missed deadlines so that some people do not feel the pressure to perform as well? Are incentives, like bonuses, or penalties, like losing a job, accomplishing their objectives?

SpaceX has emerged in the past few years as a uniquely disruptive company in an area that has, until now, been reserved for governments. Here are some interesting facts about their meteoric rise. What makes them good at getting hard or seemingly impossible things done?

The short answer is, definitely. Why? Mostly to protect the founders from themselves.

Culture is one of the most central features of a company, and almost all executives (84% from a Deloitte study) believe that it is crucial to determining success.

So your company has recently taken a close look at its strategy and developed a new plan for the coming year. Now, how do your move your team into execution mode? 

We have all heard the stories of startup “unicorns” — the unlikely heroes of the Silicon Valley tech boom that have reached or exceeded a $1 billion valuation.

The June jobs report is out, and it shows that U.S. employers increased the pace of hiring, a sign of continued labor market growth.
U.S. companies didn’t need to see the statistics to know that, in today’s labor market, they must work harder than ever to retain their workers.
And since millennials will make up more than 75% of the workforce by 2030, finding a way to retain that generation of employees is a major concern.
So why write an article about giving your millennial employees negative feedback? Because believe it or not, they want it!

It is well understood that growing a business requires people. If you want to grow a business fast, therefore, you have to source, filter, and hire of a lot of people very quickly. Identifying the right people, with the right capabilities, and the right cultural fit when the hiring engine is in overdrive requires a special set of safeguards.