Insights: Management

Have you come to terms with the fact that accountability is the missing element to drive your team to excellence?

Back in the day, I had a work colleague who, if she left the office before 6pm, would leave a cardigan draped over the back of her chair, and her office light on so that it would appear that she only had left her desk momentarily, perhaps to get coffee, but would be working late into the night.
We all knew that the boss was watching us and watching the clock — monitoring who came in late and left early. Time was money, and our time belonged to the company.

Executives, decision makers, and management in general have a finite amount of “Management Attention Units” (MAUs).  So, what are MAUs anyway?  We use this general term to refer to time used by management to carry out core supervisory duties.  Management’s time – a very valuable and finite commodity.

This is a test post #2 2024-04-02