Insights: Human Resources

We are almost halfway through 2017, and, as expected, it is proving to be another challenging year for the HR professional.  
Unemployment continues to fall, shrinking the pool of talent. Social changes have had a profound effect on the new generation of workers and what they expect from their employer. And the recent political turnover is creating a whirlwind of changes in government regulation.
HR compliance is no longer a simple, straightforward process.  

It’s no surprise that the San Francisco transportation company is currently going through a much needed cultural change following a tough year in the press. But the questions on all our minds are, what will it take to really change Uber’s culture, and will Uber succeed?

When business owners and corporate leaders get together, it doesn’t take long for them to bring out the war stories of the difficulty of managing and retaining millennial employees.
We’ve all heard the complaints — They feel entitled to promotion regardless of the quality of their work.  They have no loyalty.  Their work ethic is sub par.  Blah.  Blah.  Blah.

As an HR professional, you know that successful employee onboarding is an essential part of any business strategy. It can improve retention rates and time-to-productivity for the organization.
It can make the difference between a happy and committed employee and one who feels no investment in the success of the business. 

 As a Human Resources professional, chances are you are drowning in the acronyms of workplace law and regulation.  ADA, COBRA, DOL, ERISA, HIPAA, FLSA, NRLA, etc. — They can add up to a big HEADACHE.