How to Use Employee Performance Reviews to Make Sure Things Get Done

We constantly wonder why things keep falling through the cracks with no consequences to the offenders even when a performance review and/or reward system is in place. Remembering what goes on every day so it can be used and evaluated at a later time is a real challenge.

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A Good Performance Review Drives a Culture of Accountability in the Workplace

Short- and Long-Term Goals

A good performance review process is one that drives accountability in the workplace. At CommandHound, we have found that a performance review process must include short-term and long-term metrics and components to achieve myriad of goals.
Short-term metrics may include things like whether an employee met expectations as it relates to certifications, continuing professional education (CPE) credits, and/or training. Long-term components may include gauging how an employee measures against expectations along a number of competencies such as analytical skills, leadership skills, and/or project management skills.
By following a simple evaluation score of “fails to meet,” “meets,” or “exceeds” expectations for each of these short- and long-term metrics and competencies, employees can really understand what is expected of them, how to get promoted, and/or how to get rewarded.

Day-to-Day Tracking

CommandHound single-focus is on tying an employee’s day-to-day execution performance to a performance review or reward system. CommandHound accomplishes this by assigning, tracking, escalating, and recording how tasks and/or milestones are being completed at the individual or team levels.
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Tie Daily Performance to a Performance Review Process to Make Sure Things Get Done
When you include CommandHound’s on-time completion score into an employee’s performance review (e.g., minimum of a 75% on time completion goal), tasks and goals tend to get done on time. When employees understand that their day-to-day actions are being tracked and that they form an integral part of their performance review, their performance improves.

Drive Accountability

This is how CommandHound drives a culture of accountability in the workplace.
Performance review and reward systems are critical components of a High-Performance Organization (HPO). Without them, the human capital in the organization cannot be optimized. Furthermore, these performance review and reward systems must be tailored to each organization to drive the desired culture and behavior.

Next Steps

Would like to learn more about how to design and develop an effective performance review process for your organization? One that drives a culture of accountability in the workplace to make sure things get done?


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